Border Change on Text Input

I've created a small input field whose border turns green when the user enters text. When the user deletes the text, the border returns to it's default color. Nothing fancy.

The structure of the page is an input field with a placeholder attribute. This one has some simple text that says, "Please type text in here ..." For the stylesheet, I imported a nice sans-serif font from the Google Fonts website using @import. To the universal selector, I've set the box-sizing to border-box which includes both padding and borders when calculating the width of an element (the margin is not included in this calculation). The input field, I've set to display:block so that I am able to easily center the field horizontally on the page using margin:auto. I've removed the default focus glow from the input field and styled it's text with the imported Google font.

The micro interaction is controlled by setting the input element to a variable, in this case I left it at input to keep things simple. Then, used this input element to add an event listener (in this case I'm using keydown) so that when we interact with the element by placing our cursor in the field and start typing, we can get the border color to change. I save the border color information to a class in the CSS file.

The event listener takes in two parameters, the first is the event and the second is the function that holds the behavior for the event. The second parameter in the event listener will run after the user does the action in the first parameter. The second parameter contains a conditional statement that states when the user types something in the input field, the border will turn green else if the field is empty it will revert to its default color. A class of .success is added to the input element via the classList property which references the .success class defined in the CSS file.

Trying out a new Javascript Design Pattern

So, lately I've been obsessed with writing beautiful, modular, well-written code. To date, I feel that I've been writing code in a reactive manner - throwing things together like spaghetti, crossing my fingers and hoping it all works. For the most part they do, barely. I've been comparing my progress with learning to write code with learning to write; or at least what I remember it was like to learn to write. Now that I fell as though I can get some sentences and even paragraphs out onto the page, I'd like to be able to construct these thoughts more elegantly.

Lucky for me, a design pattern already exists for writing beautiful, modular code -- the JavaScript Module Pattern. It's also one of the more common design patterns made popular by Douglas Crockford.

    var MYAPP = MYAPP || {};

    // arithmetic is the namespace
    MYAPP.arithmetic = (function(){
        'use strict';

        // this is a private property
        var _result = 'The result is: ';

        // this is a private function
        var _showResult = function(answer){

        return {
            addMethod: function(num1, num2){
                // console.log('this is a public method');
                var sum = num1 + num2;
                _showResult(_result + sum);
            subtractMethod: function(num1, num2){
                // console.log('this is a public method');
                var subtract = num1 - num2;
                _showResult(_result + subtract);

    // multiplication is the namespace
    MYAPP.multiplication = (function(){
        'use strict';

        // this is a private property
        var _result = 'The result is: ';

        // this is a private function
        var _showResult = function(answer){

        return {
            multiplyMethod: function(num1, num2){
                var times = num1 * num2;
                _showResult(_result + times);

    MYAPP.arithmetic.addMethod(4, 8);
    MYAPP.arithmetic.subtractMethod(24, 18);
    MYAPP.multiplication.multiplyMethod(4, 8);

The foundation of a module is the anonymous closure that encapsulates the code, keeping all within it private from any conflicting code another developer may write. This closure is formally known as an immediately invoked function expression aka IIFE.

    // all the code here

The IIFE is then assigned to a variable, which is basically the Module. In this case, I have very generically called it, MYAPP. This Module will then be used to call the methods.

var MYAPP = (function(){
    // all the code here

Since all of the methods within the Module are private, in order for them to be made public and available to the Module, we must return an Object with the methods defined within.  

var MYAPP = (function(){
    return {
        publicMethod: function() {
            console.log('The information is here is public.');

// This will output the statement 'The information is here is public.'

Now, let's create a private method and call it from the public one.

var MYAPP = (function(){
    var _privateProperty = 'The information in here is public';
    var _privateMethod = function(){
    return {
        publicMethod: function(){
// This will output the statement 'The information is here is public.'

The publicMethod allows access to the _privateMethod, providing control. In the example at the top, I've created two namespaces (just for show) within the MYAPP method - arithmetic and multiplication. In the arithmetic namespace, both the addMethod and subtractMethod allow access to the private _showResult method. On the last three lines, we interact with the different methods within the Module through the namespaces.

Coding Challenge | Button + Modal

Whenever I come across an interesting coding challenge, I love writing a blog post about it because it provides me an opportunity to document these milestones and its a retrospective on the code itself -- what I liked and what I could have improved. For this challenge, the user clicks a button and a modal appears.





So, as with most front-end problems, there is the structure (html), the style (css) and the behavior (javascript). The structure of this challenge is very straightforward with two elements: the button and the modal (see figures above). For the target element, I used a <button> tag and for the modal, I created a wrapper <div>  and inside that, placed the modal content which includes the text and close button.

<button id="modalBtn">Open Me</button>

<div id="wrapperEl">
  <div class="modalEl">
    <span class="closeBtn">x</span>
    <p>I am a pretty modal</p>

Now, let's look at the first element. It's located at the top left corner of our browser window. The goal is to horizontally center the button in the window. In order for this button to behave the way that I have sketched,  it needs to be a block-level element.

#modalBtn {
  display: block;
  margin: auto;

The wrapper for the modal is an overlay that spans the width and height of the browser window. The content modal is a smaller rectangle that I've decided to let take up 25% of the browser window and given a fixed height of 200px. 

.wrapperEl {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  z-index: 1;

.modalEl {
  background-color: #F2F2F2;
  width: 25%;
  height: 200px;
  margin: auto;
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  padding: 20px;

The elements inside the modal element include a close button and some paragraph text. I've floated this close button to the right and changed its properties using a :hover pseudo-class.

.closeBtn {
  float: right;
  font-size: 1.5em;

.closeBtn:focus {
  color: #00B16A;
  font-weignt: 700;

.modalEl p {
  text-align: center;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-size: 35px;

Closing out the behavior part of this problem, I use vanilla javascript to grab the button and the close button, then tell it to show/hide the modal when I click the button. I also grab the modal so the program knows what it needs to show or hide.

var btn = document.getElementById('modalBtn');
var modal = document.querySelector('.wrapperEl');
var span = document.querySelector('.closeBtn');

btn.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  e.preventDefault(); = "block";

span.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  e.preventDefault(); = "none";

So there we have it, we've successfully grabbed all the elements (button tag, span tag, and wrapper element) and added event listeners to the button which will be 'clicked' to show the modal as well as the close button, which has a hover state and hides the modal when clicked.

Aligning Elements on a Page | Vertically & Horizontally

Before aligning an element on a page, you should be clear about one thing: is it an inline or block level element. This will determine how the element will behave. Some examples of block-level elements include: div, aside, section, footer, h1 - h6, form and nav; there are many more. These elements take up the full width of space available (sometimes that is the full width of the screen).

In the following example, the div is positioned in relation to the container element it is housed within. The top of the element is then pushed halfway down the page, from the top of the container element (so the entire div sits just below the center horizontal line). translateY changes the position of an element along the Y-axis. In this case, it pulls the div halfway back up  (hence the negative number) .

div {
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

To center the div horizontally on the page, again make sure you're manipulating a block level element. Give it a width; this can be a hard pixel number or percentage of the overall width. Set the left and right margins to auto. The div will take up the space you've determined and split the remaining white space evenly between the two margins.

div {
  width: 25%;
  margin: auto;

There you have it, now you can simply, and with very little code position elements exactly where you'd like them on the web page.